Automatic Driving Lessons

A man smiling

Automatic driving lessons

Learn to drive an automatic vehicle with a professional instructor. Contact DADDS in Durham today!

Lessons for all ages and driving expertise

Automatic vehicles have no clutch pedal or gear stick, making them quite different to drive than a manual car. If the idea of driving a manual car puts you off altogether, I can teach you to drive an automatic vehicle instead. My driver training courses are available to all ages and you will get access to a wide range of e-learning tools in addition to the physical training that I have to offer. Contact me for more details.
Refresher courses
This instructor is very patient, which is important in his job. When you pay for an hour you get an hour. All the time is completely devoted to you. No dropping off the previous client or picking up the next on your lesson. He will not put you in for a test until he feels confident in you. This may mean more lessons but that is cheaper than another test! He can give you mock theory tests too!

- Charlotte
Contact me
For automatic driving lessons in Durham, contact DADDS on 

07976 545 409 or 
0191 584 5108

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